Visited By An Angel

Feb 18, 2019

‘Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realising it.’Hebrews 13:2 NLT

One day my wife Debby was driving through Nevada in the USA when her car ran out of fuel. A young woman, alone in a small car, on a desert highway with no one around—it had all the elements that cause us to be afraid.

Soon a big interstate truck pulled up and a tall driver got out and asked, ‘Can I help you, lady?’ When she explained her predicament, he told her to lock her car and come with him to a service station a few kilometres along the highway. What to do?

The voice of God within Debby, a voice she’d learned to trust, whispered, ‘It’s okay. Go with him.’ As they drove together the man told her he’d been in prison, met Christ, and his life had been radically changed. He showed her pictures of his wife and family. When they returned to her car he poured a can of fuel into her tank, said goodbye, and left.

Just as Debby turned her car around to set off again—on a highway with a clear view for kilometres in either direction—the truck was nowhere to be seen. Just like that, a 40-tonne truck and its driver disappeared!

The Bible says, ‘Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realising it!’ Debby is convinced God sent an angel to help her that day.

What do you think? Many of us have similar stories, yet we don’t share them. Maybe it’s fear of criticism. Or maybe it’s not until later that we realise we had, in fact, been visited by an angel!

SoulFood: Exo 20:3, Acts 14:1–18, 1 Sam 5:1–5
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©