Start Thanking God For It

Apr 2, 2019

‘Go in to possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you.’Joshua 1:11 NKJV

When God tells you He has ‘given’ you something, it means your name is on the title. When He tells you to ‘possess’ it, it may mean you have to fight for it. If you don’t, you won’t receive what He promised. Right now lots of people may be living in your ‘dream house’ and working in your ‘dream job’. Don’t resent them, rejoice! God can do the same for you!

If you’re tired of talking about the things you don’t possess, get up and go after them. And when you get them, remember that it wasn’t because you’re so wise and wonderful, but because God gave them to you (see Deuteronomy 8:18). The Bible says He gives us ‘all things that pertain unto life.’ (2 Peter 1:3 KJV) But you must receive the promise inwardly before you can experience it outwardly.

For example, your challenge may be believing in your spirit that you’re being healed before you see it begin to happen physically. Just because something’s not immediately evident doesn’t mean it won’t happen. For example, when we ask God for an oak tree, He gives us an acorn. At this point we may think God didn’t hear and answer our prayer. No, the oak tree is in the acorn; it’s just a matter of time before what’s inside bursts out.

Whatever God has promised you, the seeds are already within you. Water them, nurture them, and don’t let anyone uproot them through unbelief. In other words, begin thanking God for what He’s going to do in your life.

SoulFood: Lev 11:1–13:37, Luke 20:41–47, Ps 32, Pro 9:10–16
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©