Pray for Our Leaders

Sep 3, 2020

‘Pray for…all who have authority...’1 Timothy 2:2 NCV

The Bible says, ‘Righteousness exalts a nation...’ (Proverbs 14:34 NAS) In the Old Testament, Abraham interceded with God on behalf of Sodom (Genesis18:20–33). Moses stood between God and Israel, and saved it from destruction (Exodus 32:11–14). When Achan sinned, Joshua pleaded the people’s case before God (Joshua 7:6–9). We live in a time of dwindling respect for authority, and it’s easy to add your voice to the chorus of complainers. Even if you didn’t vote for those who are in power, the Bible says, ‘Pray for rulers and… all who have authority.’ Why? Because it ‘pleases God’; it’s that simple! Ask Him to give our leaders three things. (1) Humility: ‘...humility comes before honour.’ (Proverbs 15:33 NIV) Jesus, the greatest leader of all time, ‘...gave up His divine privileges [and]… took the humble position of a slave...’ (Philippians 2:7 NLT) Servant-leadership is true strength; it means acknowledging our limitations and looking to God for insight and guidance. (2) Wisdom. Solomon said, ‘...[The] fear of the Lord [precedes] Wisdom...’ (Proverbs 15:33 AMP), and James adds, ‘If you need wisdom, ask… God, and He will give it to you...’ (James 1:5 NLT) Instead of praying only for the advancement of your own political agenda, ask God to give our leaders what they need to exercise sound judgment and make wise decisions. (3) Courage. David said, ‘Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart...’ (Psalm 27:14 NKJV) In the face of global terrorism, war, financial upheaval and a climate of fear, pray that God will give our leaders the strength of character to do what’s right, instead of what’s popular.

SoulFood: Eze 5–9, Luke 19:41–48, Ps 142, Pro 19:21–23
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©