Move While The Door Is Open

May 14, 2019

‘But they all alike began to make excuses.’Luke 14:18 NIV

Jesus told the story of a man who planned a banquet and invited several guests. Listen to some of their excuses for not attending. ‘I’ve purchased a field.’ ‘I’ve bought some oxen.’ ‘I just got married.’ So the host said, ‘Not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.’ (Luke 14:24 NIV) Maybe you think you’re different, that you have a good reason for saying no to Papa God. But is it worth missing your destiny for?

When God speaks to you, that’s the moment of truth! At that point you either make a commitment or make an excuse. There and then you’re deciding your destiny! What is God asking you to do? What’s making you hesitate? Fear of failure? Fear of being criticised? Fear usually comes dressed up as an excuse. And every time you waver or pull back, you lay another brick in the wall that will ultimately keep you from reaching your God-ordained destiny.

Author John Mason says, ‘Opportunity is often lost in deliberation.’ So if God’s telling you to do something, take His hand and move forward in faith. You can’t control the direction of the wind, but by God’s grace you can adjust your sails to take you where you need to go. The great educator and scientist George Washington Carver said, ‘99% of failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.’ Remember, opportunity is a visitor: don’t assume it will be back tomorrow. Now is the time—move while the door is open!

SoulFood: Heb 9:1–11:16, Mark 6:45–56, Ps 75, Pro 11:23
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©