More Than Conquerors (3)

Nov 25, 2020

‘...who always leads us in triumph in Christ...’2 Corinthians 2:14 NKJV

Few things can discourage you like when your children don’t follow in your path. As Christian parents we long to see our children serve God. If you’ve prayed, lived your faith before them as best you could and yet they choose another path, your heartache can be deep. But others have travelled the path before you. Isaac saw his son Jacob surrender to God, while his other son Esau rejected Him. Aaron, the high priest, had two sons who offered ‘strange fire’ on God’s altar. Manoah’s son, Samson, committed suicide. Even the sons of the prophet Samuel ‘...did not walk in his ways; they turned aside after dishonest gain, took bribes, and perverted justice.’ (1 Samuel 8:2–3 NKJV) You’re not alone in your concern for your children, and it’s too early for guilt, or for giving up on them. Remember (1) God alone can save. ‘Salvation is of the Lord.’ (Jonah 2:9 KJV) Don’t try to take on God’s responsibility or accept guilt that’s not yours. Because He knows our hearts, God knows how and when to ‘close the deal’ with your child. So instead of worrying, keep lifting up their names before Him in prayer. (2) Let God shoulder the load. Your part is to pray and believe God for them, then to get out from under the burden. He can carry it; you can’t! (1 Peter 5:7) (3) There’s still hope. (Jeremiah 31:17) God can arrange circumstances and turn their stubborn hearts around, if you will only trust Him.

SoulFood: 2 Chr 22–24, John 13:18–30, Ps 114, Pro 27:20–22
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©