Keep Trusting Papa God

May 25, 2019

‘He who has begun a good work in you will complete it.’Philippians 1:6 NKJV

When journalist Mark Matousek told people a potentially fatal disease had actually saved his life, they didn’t understand. He wasn’t glad he got sick. But being sick meant he discovered and tapped into the strength that enabled him to confront and overcome some of his core fears. He writes: ‘Hardship can be the blood in muscles that pushes us forward. Crisis takes us to the brink and forces us to keep moving. When people call it a blessing, they’re describing a paradox.’

Although Matousek is not a believer, he’s encapsulated a truth that sometimes eludes Christians: God is not only committed to your spiritual growth but He works all things together for good for those who love Him (see Romans 8:28). ‘He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ.’

Along the way you’ll be tested, sometimes to your limits. Micca Campbell writes that spiritual tests try our faith and commitment: ‘Abraham knew God had great plans for his son. What on earth could go wrong—especially with a promised child? You and I both know a lot can go wrong. We’ve probably stood in Abraham’s sandals once or twice… and clung to the promises of God. Yet sickness lingers, financial troubles invade, friends betray us, and eventually death calls. How do we respond? Abraham responded with great love, trust, and commitment when God asked for his only son to be sacrificed. Don’t think it was easy for him. Just because you and I know the outcome of the story doesn’t mean Abraham did. He had to trust God every step of the way... As painful as some tests are, God is using them to grow us into all He has designed us to be.’

SoulFood: 1 Ki 18:16–20:43, Mark 9:38–50, Ps 113, Pro 12:15–17
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©