It’s A Necessary Part Of The Process

Nov 27, 2019

‘I will instruct you.’Psalm 32:8 NKJV

Why are you still here? When Jesus saved you, why didn’t He simply take you to Heaven to be with Him? Because He’s not only interested in your final destination; He wants to do a work in you and through you on the way to it. We get impatient when it comes to God’s will for our lives. We just want to get there! But a great deal of time usually elapses between when God calls us and when we’ve fulfilled His will for our lives. And until we accept that, we’re not ready to go anywhere!

We need to understand that the journey is an important process. It matters to God what you become on the way to where you’re going. And following Him in obedience through many unknowns, trials, and difficulties is an integral and indispensable part of your preparation. God uses the journey to teach you faith, refine your character, and equip you for greater challenges that lie ahead. In fact, if you’re in the process of seeking God’s will right now, you’re already fulfilling part of it in your life.

God said, ‘I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go.’ Don’t make the mistake of thinking that because you don’t know all you’d like to, you’re not making progress. Something is happening right now. Your faith is being stretched, your patience is being developed, your doubts are being confronted and conquered, and your relationship with God is growing deeper. He always prepares us in advance for what He has planned ahead for us. Yes, the struggle is uncomfortable—but it’s a necessary part of the process.

SoulFood: Josh 5:1–8:29, John 14:15–25, Ps 118:19–29, Pro 28:5–8
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©