Growing Stronger through Change (5)

Jul 14, 2020

‘...let us strip off every weight that…trips us up...’Hebrews 12:1 NLT

The Psalmist said, ‘You don’t let me sleep. I’m too distressed even to pray!’ (Psalm 77:4 NLT) Is that the way it is in your life right now? If so, let go of what no longer works. It will cost you, because for everything you gain, you usually have to give something up. The trouble is, we hate giving up what we do well. So we focus on ‘doing things right’ rather than doing the right things, and wonder why we don’t succeed. First, when your season changes, be open to a new strategy. Letting go of what doesn’t work anymore frees you up to focus on what does. And more importantly, to focus on what God wants you to do! Second, don’t let change paralyse you. In new situations our first inclination is to slow down, play it safe and take our time. But often we just fall further behind. Get moving, you can’t steer a stationary boat! The Bible says that God ‘ power to the faint, and strengthens the powerless.’ (Isaiah 40:29 NRS) So trust Him and move forward, instead of giving in to the impulse to just do nothing. Third, approach the future with confidence. Recent events have us all on edge, but as a child of God you can say, ‘I can lie down and sleep soundly because You, Lord, will keep me safe.’ (Psalm 4:8 CEV) The truth is, you don’t have any reason to live in fear; so trust God, adjust to reality, and live each day to the fullest!

SoulFood: Jer 51–52, Luke 7:11–23, Ps 118:10–18, Pro 15:31–32
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©