Do You Want to Be Healed?

Jun 30, 2020

‘Jesus said…“Pick up your mat and walk.”’John 5:8 NIV

Jon Walker writes, ‘Long ago… I was diagnosed with clinical depression and began the hard work of deep, lasting, in-Jesus recovery. One day Jesus asked me, “Do you want to be healed?”… It seemed like such a ridiculous question… but I knew what He meant. Was I willing to do the hard work of facing painful situations, uncovering bitterness, and admitting to deep, resentful anger; was I willing to give up stubborn excuses that allowed me to stay the same… seeing my sickness as more secure than my health? Was I willing to… let God be God, and admit that I can’t, but He can; or would I insist on… holding myself in a cycle of helplessness and hopelessness? When Jesus asked an invalid of 38 years, “Do you want to be healed?” the question swept… through 2000 years, and into the shadows of my soul… the Great Healer holding out help, acutely aware that we can’t, but God can, knowing this to be true because He was walking towards the only way to re-create us whole and healthy… the road to Calvary. Like our own steps of faith, the first step was surely the hardest… this sick man had 38 years of experience telling him his legs wouldn’t support him… and no experience trusting Jesus. It took courage, energy and pain to take the first step. Jesus didn’t enslave the man; He liberated him, empowering him with choice, and independence from his fears. Paralysed in confusion and fear, the question remains: Do you want to be healed? Will you do what God says? Will you pick up your mat and make godly choices? Will you step into faith and away from fear?’

SoulFood: Jer 10–13, Luke 3:21–38, Ps 95 Pro 14:29–33
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©