Do You Need Direction?

Jul 23, 2020

‘The Lord watches over the path of the godly...’Psalm 1:6 NLT

God will speak to you through your relationships with people. Sometimes He will give you direct revelation, but often He will speak to you through relationships. His Word says, ‘Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you...’ (Hebrews 13:7 NIV) Who speaks into your life? Who are you submitted to? Without good input you will live unprotected and undirected. God will speak to you through your gifts. ‘A man’s gift makes room for him...’ (Proverbs 18:16 NAS) When God is directing your steps you won’t need to kick the door open or force your way in. Your gift will bring a solution and meet a need; therefore, you’ll be welcomed, valued and rewarded. He’ll speak to you through your thoughts. ‘...we have the mind of Christ.’ (1 Corinthians 2:16 NIV) When our minds are renewed by His Word and lined up with His will, we are thinking like Christ. Consider what an advantage that is! God will speak through open doors. Paul wrote, ‘For a great and effective door is opened to me, and there are many adversaries.’ (1 Corinthians 16:9 NKJV) God will open doors for you, but you must remember that with every opportunity He gives, challenges come too. That’s what builds your faith and strengthens you for the future. He will speak through ‘a word’ of confirmation. ‘Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”’ (Isaiah 30:21 NKJV) Note the word ‘behind’. This word comes after you obey God, letting you know you’ve made a good decision and that you’re on the right track. Yes, you can be led by God. His Word says, ‘The Lord watches over the path of the godly.’

SoulFood: Acts 14–15, Luke 9:18–27, Ps 1, Pro 16:10–15
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©