Do You Have This Joy?

Mar 7, 2019

‘This is the fresh, new, life-giving way that Christ has opened up for us.’Hebrews 10:20 TLB

In the Old Testament there were more religious laws than anybody could possibly keep: over 600. And every time you failed, you had to offer an animal sacrifice as atonement [payment for sin]. This resulted in people trying and failing; feeling guilty and trying harder; failing again and making more sacrifices. It was a never-ending cycle.

Then Jesus came and opened up ‘the fresh, new, life-giving way’ for us to have a relationship with God. His way included forgiveness for sin, and the replacement of sacrifices with faith in Him. For many it was just too good to be true, so they kept working and trying to impress God with their goodness.

Are you doing that? One Christian author writes: ‘I lived that way for years. It meant having to do everything perfectly; otherwise I was in trouble with God. Since this was an impossible standard to keep, it stole all my peace and joy. While I was trying to walk in love, I wasn’t a very loving person. I couldn’t give others what I didn’t know how to receive myself! I wasn’t receiving God’s mercy for my failures; therefore I couldn’t offer it to anybody else. I tried to follow all the rules, many that weren’t even Scriptural—just things to feel guilty about. But thank God I don’t have to live that way anymore. Now I’m not working to be saved, I’m working because I am saved! My salvation isn’t based on what I do, but solely on what Jesus has done for me.’

When you understand this truth, your relationship with Papa God is no longer a job—it’s a joy.

SoulFood: Exo 33–35, Luke 14:25–35, Ps 112, Pro 7:6–9
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©