Be ready. Be wise. Be clear.

Feb 9, 2019

‘Philip began at this place in the Scriptures and explained the good news about Jesus.’Acts 8:35 CEV

In Acts 8 we read the story of a high-profile leader who was won to Christ. This man held a position similar to Charles Abel, the Deputy Prime Minister and Treasurer of Papua New Guinea . And he was led to Christ by a low-profile person called Philip, a church deacon (see Acts 8:26–40).

Let’s look at how it happened and see what we can learn:

(1) Philip was ready. When this man needed someone to explain the Gospel to him, Philip was ready to do it. Could you have done that? When God has a job that needs to be done, could He call on you? Would you be prepared? And willing? ‘If anybody asks you why you believe as you do, be ready to tell him.’ (1 Peter 3:15 TLB)

(2) Philip was wise. He didn’t barge in and start preaching, or put this man on the spot by asking ‘gotcha’ questions. Note two things about Philip:

(a) He was led by God’s spirit (see Acts 8:29)

(b) He recognised the right moment (see Acts 8:35) Good soul-winners are sensitive and strategic.

(3) Philip was clear. Instead of a vague conversation about religion, he spoke directly about Jesus. That’s what people need—a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ! They need to know He’s alive, and that He loves them. That He’s powerful enough to run the universe, yet personal enough to forgive their sins, break their habits, and resolve their doubts. Your job is to extend the invitation, and let Jesus do the rest.

Do you need a soul-winning strategy? Try Philip’s one—it works!

SoulFood: Gen 25:19–27:46, Luke 9:18–27, Ps 138, Pro 4:14–17
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©