According to Fred Smith (2)

Aug 18, 2020

‘Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.’1 Corinthians 11:1 NIV

Here are some more Scriptures Brenda Smith learned from her dad: ‘...a real friend will be more loyal than a brother...’ (Proverbs 18:24 NCV) When Fred was initially hospitalised, a host of well-wishers came by to visit, but eventually dropped off when they didn’t know what to say. It is friends who stand by you over the long haul who sustain you. ‘The Lord sees the good people and listens to their prayers.’ (Psalm 34:15 NCV) The Psalmist said, ‘I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry… He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.’ (Psalm 40:1–2 NIV) Fred Smith said, ‘Many nights I lay awake unable to move or sleep, but… when I was tempted to lose hope, prayer renewed my strength.’ A psychiatrist who interviewed people wanting to be astronauts reported that, faced with total isolation, many candidates became frustrated, but those who knew how to pray and sense God’s presence had fewer problems. Prayer works when all else fails—but don’t wait till things reach that stage. ‘When you are old… I will take care of you...’ (Isaiah 46:4 NCV) Someone said, ‘Old age ain’t for sissies.’ While you are getting older physically, you don’t have to get old in your outlook. Our culture is increasingly dismissing our elders as set in their ways and out of touch. Fred Smith proved otherwise. He showed that while aging isn’t convenient or comfortable, it can be productive. By focusing on the ‘can do’s’ instead of the ‘used to do’s’, you not only follow the example of Christ, you also create a example for the next generation.

SoulFood: Judg 1–3, Luke 14:25–35, Ps 119:89–96, Pro 18:6–8
The Word for Today is authored by Bob and Debby Gass and published under licence from UCB International Copyright ©